Audition for Moebius Theatre’s Chicon 7 Show!

June 29th, 2012

Saturday, July 14, 3:00 – 6:00 pm
Oak Park, IL (near Blue Line)
Contact (copy and paste) for the address, but first please read the following…

  • Voice Actors
  • Musicians
  • Foley Artists
  • Theater Techs and Steampunk Gizmo Creators


Moebius Theatre has been engaged by Chicon 7 (this year’s World Science Fiction Convention) to present a live audio theater performance of The Island of Doctor Moreau. This is an adaptation of H.G. Wells’ classic novel, scripted and directed by Kate Graham. The show’s run time is approximately 1 hour. The performance will be Friday evening, August 31, at the Hyatt Regency Chicago downtown. Exact time is TBA but participants will need to be available that Friday from mid-afternoon at the latest. You will not need a Chicon membership to participate.

We are looking to cast four main character roles: one female (the Narrator) and three male (Prendick, Montgomery and Moreau). The narrator has a brief speech to memorize, but otherwise all dialog will be read “readers’ theater” style.

We are also casting an ensemble of 4-6 talented and versatile performers who – in the guise of a troupe of steam punk theater artists – will play a variety of incidental roles, play live scene transition music, and create all the sound effects – in a very theatrical way – from various 19th century-looking gadgets and gizmos that will be created out of wood, brass, muslin, etc. for this purpose.

This means, of course, that we are also looking for some pretty inventive engineers to work with us (probably during one or two all-day work parties) to create these machines, gadgets, and gizmos. Whether or not you are interested in auditioning, please let us know if you are interested in being part of the engineering effort. We are also looking for a running crew and someone to help with costuming.

Time commitment for performers? There will probably be one rehearsal per week at the beginning, then two per week as we close in on the show date. Kate plans a complete dress/tech rehearsal sometime the week prior to the performance that will be open for family and friends, since the show at Chicon will be for paid attendees only. Sorry, but performers and technicians will not be paid, nor will sleeping rooms or Chicon memberships be provided. On the positive side, con membership is not required to participate in the show, and since we are giving a single performance on Friday, those of you who do have memberships will be able to actually attend some of the Worldcon.

Please RSVP (copy and paste) if you would like to audition. Kate will send you an audition form so you can complete it ahead of time at your leisure. Please let us know right away if you would like to audition but cannot be there on July 14. Auditions will involve cold readings,vocal improvisations and (optionally) display of musical talent. No need to prepare a monologue or dress to move; headshots are irrelevant and resumes completely optional. If you play a small folk instrument, please bring it along.

Contact Kate if you have any questions ( Also, please feel free to forward this audition notice to anyone you think might be interested.

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